| Prepaid Public Water Taps
All SuMeWa|SYSTEM drinking water treatment stations can be equipped with an online prepaid water tap that allows hassle free and fair water tapping and generates income for the operator.
| Benefits
- Simple and fair distribution of water
- Income generation for your water kiosk, private homes, public tap points and water tankers
- Financing and long term operation of drinking water infrastructures
- Online monitoring of tapped water quantity
| How it works
Each water consumer will receive an individual secure identification card, which is required to tap water at distinct abstraction points. All withdrawals will be recorded and sent to local station operator for control. With the Prepaid Meter the users have access to water 24 hours per day. The system allows specific tariffs for different user groups. This way e.g. school children can tap water for free, whereas business or water tankers are charged for their water consumption. The ID cards can be recharged at Point of Sale Terminals (PoST) or the via online payment services such as MPesa, PayPal, PayTM, etc..
For further information please contact otter(at)autarcon.com