| SolArEx - Solar Driven Arsenic Removal
The intake of arsenical water causes the consumers chronic poisoning, skin eczema, cancer or in the worst case, death. Due to insufficient infrastructure systems in these regions, off grid systems that can supply safe drinking water to the people have become absolutely necessary.
The aim of this project is to develop an innovative technology in order to secure the drinking water supply in arsenic contaminated rural developing regions. Worldwide over 100 million people are being affected by the arsenic contamination of their drinking water.
In this project an innovative solar driven treatment system shall be developed being capable in quickly oxidizing arsenic species by means of anodic oxidation and removing them via adsorption and physical filtration. The focus will be set on the operability of such a technical solution in challenging of grid developing regions.
Publication: View our latest publication from a long term field test in West Bengal using our SolArEx approach.

For further information please contact us here.
The project is co-funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).